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My first question to them would be about their philosophy concerning the care of children with disabilities. The answer will make all the difference to how he is treated. Next I would ask to see the credentials for the staff and ask about hiring policies. Then, I would look at how clean the home is and ask about measures for fire and earthquakes. Finally, I would drop in when I wasn't expected to see how things are done and if the children are being treated the way they said they would treat them. Get references too from people who have had their children there.

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Q: What should you look for when considering a group home for your Down syndrome son?
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What age group is most affected by Down syndrome?

No age group is affected; Down syndrome is a chromosome condition that is with you at birth.

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Is down syndrome predominance in any ethnic group?


What condition results when a child is born with an extra chromosome on the third pair?

Down syndrome

Should you worry about the results of your amniocentesis if nobody in your or your husband's family has Down syndrome?

Yes! Down Syndrome is not a genetic disease. ANYBODY can be born with Down Syndrome, even if 100 or 0 people in their family have it.

Does Tameka Cottle have Down syndrome?

No she doesnt , If she was in a old group called Xcape she wouldnt be.

What race does Down syndrome affect?

Down Syndrome affects all races. Down Syndrome does not affect all races evenly its affects Mexicans more than any one else. Hispanics have larger numbers of live births suffering from Down Syndrome because they do not terminate their DS pregnancies, like other races do.

What is the genetic disorder for having three 21 chromosomes?

down syndrome

Is it common for a person with Down syndrome to marry someone who doesn't have Down syndrome?

People with Down syndrome are no different from the rest of us, except they look slightly different and are not able to do as many things as "normal" people. Therefore, unless they have a severe case of Down syndrome, they should have normal marriage ceremonies.

What causes Irukandji Syndrome?

Quote from Wikipedia: "Irukandji syndrome is a condition induced by envenomization through the sting of Carukia barnesi, the Irukandji jellyfish, and other cubozoans.[1]"Note: Irukandji Syndrome has nothing to do with Down Syndrome and this question should NOT be placed in the Down Syndrome category!

What is a chromosomal disorder that could result from nondisjunction?

Disorders, such as Down's Syndrome, are caused by nondisjunction.

What is the correct spelling 'Down syndrome' or 'Down's syndrome'?

Down syndrome is generally the preferred spelling, although Down's syndrome is sometimes used in American sources.