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It is light pink, differing from the dark red clots of a normal/heavy period. It's best to see your OB and make sure you are not retaining any parts that could cause infection. A D&C needs to be done in many cases.

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Q: What should your tissue of a miscarriage look like?
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What does the tissue of a miscarriage look like if it wasn't fully developed and you didn't even know you were pregnant?

Usually a miscarriage tissue is difficult to pull apart and can be a grey colour where veins are seen.

What does conception tissue look like in early miscarriage of approximately 4 weeks?

Red ball like blood clot with stringy tissue and dark blood for a week.

When having a miscarriage does the tissue of the baby look like a dark red blood ball?

YES it deos and it kills you.

What would the tissue of a miscarriage look like at 5 weeks in water?

it would look like gray tissue.... not to be gross but when u have blood clots that is what its like but it will look like gray tissue

What should you see with a 12 week miscarriage?

During a miscarriage at the 12 week point you can see large clots (that look much like raw liver) and you can also see the baby's body. The baby will look somewhat grey (hence the term grey matter). You should bleed for a few days. At first the bleeding and cramping might be severe but if there are no complications and the miscarriage is a complete miscarriage the symptoms will lessen.

Does miscarriage look like taphole shaped clot with veins?

i had a miscarriage a few years ago and it was like 2 giant slugs it was heartbreaking

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What does 300 grams of breast tissue look like

What does a miscarriage look like in the first month?

Pretty much like a heavier period.

What does a miscarriage look like if it's one month along and is there very little bleeding?

At one month there is nothing there but very little tissue. Alot of women just experience the same symptoms as a bad period.

What does the tissue look like when you miscarriage at 8 weeks?

You will see some tissue and when you feel something bigger than a blood clot that's the baby, it is small and it will be in like a sack and sack will be red of course, but if you can somehow rinse it off u can see a clear coat over you baby. You will have a lot of blood clots after and tissue and discharge after baby's out. I would also like to say sorry about your loss.

You had a baby 7 months ago and have been on birth contorl but you had you a lot of carmps worse then normal and a good bit of what look like blood clots could this have been a miscarriages?

This could of been a miscarriage but there's no way of telling unless you have a quantitative beta HCG blood test performed. You need to see your doctor for this blood test. Miscarriage tissue is usually grey vein like. If you didn't experience this then you can rule out a miscarriage.

Did you observe any change in image of the onion cell before and after staining?

its look like a tissue paper