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Q: What song is this There is a techno type song that you have been trying to find for AGES There is a girl singing and she says something then and whistle?
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What bones are used to whistle?

If you mean when trying to whistle using your mouth, then the jawbones

Im trying to find a song heard it on the radio a few times recently so might be new female singing and it has a catchy whistle tune in the chorus the only lyrics you remember r leaving on a train?

I found it, its Eliza Doolittle - Skinny Genes

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Why does wind whistle when it's cold but not when it's warm?

because its trying to get through a hole in your house when its cold the wind is stronger so therfor the wind will whistle through your house

How do you perfect your singing?

you keep on trying and dont give up

Do true friends sing while your trying to talk?

well it depends if he/she is doing that on purpose to interupt you than maybe not. but if he/she is just singing out of the enjoyment of singing and never stops singing than maybe he/she just might be just singing out of their own heart. maybe ask them if they enjoy singing. No, a "true" friend doesn't sing while you're trying to talk. She/he would listen patiently to whatever you have to say, and if it is a problem, like, a huge problem, or even a small one, they would help you out and consider the possibilities of solving it, no matter how long it takes. A true friend doesn't interrupt you or her/his other friends when they're trying to talk-even if they have something to say. They would wait patiently until you are done talking before speaking or singing.

Who can help you if im trying to start singing?

Any choir teacher or conducter out there.

When a male canary is singing to a female canary what does it mean?

It mean he is trying to attract her

How do you train your voice to whislte like a train i have only seen a few people that can do this is this something i can learn or is it something that not many can do?

All it takes is simple time and practice and eventually you'll get better. Most people can't whistle until their about at the age of 20-25 keep trying and practicing you never know

What does it mean when a guy does a bird whistle at another guy?

Any number of things. Most probably he was just trying to attract his attention.

Will you get better at singing if you show people?

tough question but i might be able to answerwell i think that the more you sing in front of people confident youll be the only thing to actually improve your singing is trying and trying and trying agen and agen if you believe in your self you can get better my pleasure for answerin cant tell ya who i amxxx

What techno song contains the lyrics baby give it up want to be on my own?

baby give it up - dj celso i ve been also trying to get the song !!! enjoy it