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The black capped chickadee is found from southern Canada to the mountains of North Carolina.

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Q: What state does the US does the black capped chickadee live?
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Where Black-capped chickadee live?

Black-capped chickadees live in the US and Canada.

How long does a black capped chickadee live for?

Four to five years on average.

Where do black capped chickadee's live?

black-capped chickadees (chickadees) are found in Canada and the USA

In my backyard I have these birds nesting and when I go near they attack They have a yellow beak they are black capped they have a grey body and are white breasted Can any one tell me what they are?

Most likely a chickadee. There are lots of chickadees, so it depeneds where you live. If it has a black cap though, its a black capped chickadee.

How long does a Chickadee live?

The average life-span of a Black-capped Chickadee is probably about 2.5 years. The longest lived on record was 12 years 5 months. In captivity the average is 7 years. Another reference reported the average life expectancy for a black capped chickadee as 1.5 years for a female and 1.8 years for a male. Mortality from predation is especially high for very young individuals but weather and accidents seem to be the primary causes of death of all age groups. For the Carolina Chickadee the oldest known individual was 10 years 11 months. Please note: There are seven species of chickadees in North America: the Black-capped Chickadee, Boreal Chickadee, Carolina Chickadee, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Mexican Chickadee, Mountain Chckadee and the Siberian Tit.

Where does a black capped lory live?

us in canda

What does a chickadee's habitat look like?

In the mountains. Actually, they are more likely to be found in mountains within the region they are found - western North America from the Yukon Territory south to New Mexico and a small portion of Texas, and west to the Pacific.

Where Chickadee live?

The chickadee lives almost everywhere. bye go to this website

What kind of birds live on the galapagos islands?

A animal that lives on the Galapagos islands is the black capped bird.

Where does a chickadee live?

There are many species in the chickadee/titmouse complex, and at least one species can be found in every boreal and temperate forests.

Does a chickadee live in the forest?

yes it does it is mostly seen a lot in the redwoods

How long do chickadee live?

Usually around five to six years.