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The U.S implemented policys of containment, The domino theory was the thought that if Vietnam fell to communism then the rest of eastern Europe would fall like Dominos. A Nuclear arms race occured including short periods of de`tente. the soviets had many strategies including moving Missles to Cuba(under leadership of Fidel Castro) known as the Cuban Missle Crisis.

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Q: What was the US strategy during the Cold War?
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Why did the US follow the containment strategy during the cold war?

Nukes, ICBM's contained both. In that case, cold was much better than hot.

What was the long term strategy of the US during the cold war?

communist containment so that the U.S. could maintain control.

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The US did NOT allow the communists (USSR) to expand during the cold war.

What was the long-term strategy of the US during the Cold War?

Communist containment.

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Latin America was the strategic backyard of the US during the Cold War. The Cold War started after World War II and lasted until 1991.

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Not during the cold war.

Who were the US leaders during the cold war?

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was in charge of America during the Cold War.

A strategy that involves countries getting yo the verge of war?

"Brinksmanship". Standard for the US and the Soviet Union during the entire Cold War. Let's see who is willing to edge closest to the brink of disaster.

Who was the author of containment?

Foreign Service Officer, George F. Kennan, is the author of the policy on containment. Containment was the strategy the US used during the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

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then the war would have ceased to be cold.

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