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Q: What structure in a clam secretes the shell?
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What structure forms produces the shell of the clam?

According to my chemistry book (Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change by Silberberg) seashells including clam shells are primarily composed of Calcium Carbonate.

What shell is possessed by a clam?

A clam shell

What is the Possessive form word clam shell?

Possessive form of the words clam shell: clam shell's

What is the function of the mantle of a clam?

The mantle of a clam protects the clam from sunlight in shelled mollusks, the mantle is the organ that forms the shell, and adds to the shell to increase its size and strength as the animal grows.

What is the name of the animal that lives in a clam shell?

A clam. Or an oyster.

What is the largest shell in the Philippines?

The largest shell belongs to the giant clam, Tridacna gigas, whose shell can grow to several hundred pounds, with a length of about 5 feet.

How does a clam shell usually grow?

A clam shell grows via a process where tissue is attached to the shell at the edge. Over time this material builds up producing a ring like pattern. The number of rings will indicate the age of the clam shell.

Where is the mantle of a clam located?

The mantle of the clam lines the valves, and serves to secrete calcium carbonate in the formation of the clam's shell while protecting the clam's visceral mass.

How can a clam dig?

By it's shell

Is a clam shell?

Only if you poo on it

What is the oldest part of the clam shell?

The umbo which is located at the anterior end of the clam

Why the clam shell is not smooth?

A clam shell is not smooth because being smooth would decrease friction between a clam and the surface it lives on. With low friction, a clam would go places it would not want to go.