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Q: What structures of a frog's have adapted to its aquatic life?
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Water has sufficient dissolved oxygen to sustain aquatic life?

Water does have sufficient dissolved oxygen to sustain aquatic life. This is true because aquatic life has adapted to the limited oxygen using gills.

How are amphibians adapted for aquatic life?

Water can pass through the skin; they have lungs

How does NaCl affect aquatic life?

Some organisms are not adapted to live in a saline environmement.

Why is the frogs body suitable for aquatic environment?

because it has gills to breathe in the water. A frog is also a cold-blooded animal that can survive an aquatic environment. It also has a thick and rough skin that can protect them underwater.

What environment are turtles adapted to?

Turtles are adapted to an aquatic life, spending almost all their life at sea. They only come to land to lay their eggs - which need to be laid out of water so they can develop.

How do you tell the difference between terrestrial turtles and aquatic turtles?

Aquatic turtles tend to have webbed feet for swimming. Sea turtles (Cheloniidae family) are especially adapted for an aquatic life, with long feet that form flippers and a streamlined body shape.

How have the animals in the tropical rainforest adapted to life there?

animals in the tropical rainforests have adapted to live there by eg. poison dart frogs have adapted by bieng bright collours and them colours say i am dagorous so dont touch me . i hope this helped

What is cetacean?

A Cetacean is an animal that belongs to the Order: Cetacea This includes Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Cetaceans are mammals fully adapted to Aquatic life and there are about 90 species.

Is the frog adapted to life on land?

No, because frogs still need water to reproduce. That said, an adult frog can live on land its whole life and be okay.

Why are salamanders and newts not reptiles?

Salamanders and newts are not reptiles because they reproduce by laying eggs in water and are aquatic for part of their life cycle. They are amphibians like frogs and toads.

Some types of aquatic frogs spend the winter hibernating buried in the mud at the bottom of lakes and ponds Which characteristic of life does that behavior represent?

The animal is responding to its environment.

What is an aquarium denizen?

A denizen is an inhabitant of a particular place, so anything that lives in an aquarium is a denizen of an aquarium. This includes fish, plant life, aquatic frogs or snails, etc.