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The substance that controls the unzipping of DNA are enzymes which are inform of proteins. This is considered to be one of the most complex processes in the cell.

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Q: What substance controls the unzipping of DNA?
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What enzyme binds to DNA during transcription unzipping the strands of RNA?

DNA helicase is the enzyme that aids DNA in unzipping during transcription.

What enzyme is responsible for unzipping the helix?

DNA Helicase. - an enzyme, is responsible for unwinding and unzipping the double helix.

When DNA replication occurs what is the first thing that occurs?

DNA unzipping, I think lol

What does the term unzipping refer to in DNA replication?

Breaking Hydrogen Bonds.

What enzyme unravels the DNA helix?

DNA Helicase. - an enzyme, is responsible for unwinding and unzipping the double helix.

Why must the DNA In a cell replication before the cell divides?

DNA replication begins when the two sides of the DNA molecule unwind and seperate, like a zipper unzipping.

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I not angry with this statmentt

What is the first step of replication?

The first, and potentially most important, step of DNA replication is unzipping the DNA through enzymes. This allows more nucleotides to be attached to the halves of the DNA, to create more.

What breaks the bonds between the nitrogen bases of the DNA molecule?

Your answer is "Helicase". This is the enzyme responsible for the unzipping of the DNA molecule, or in other words, the breakage of the bonds of its nitrogen bases.

What is responsible for unwinding and unzipping the double helix?

To 'unwind' the double helix for protein synthesis, enzymes called DNA Helicases cause the two parent DNA strands to unwind and separate from one another in both directions. And im only 15

What controls which DNA is amplified in PCR?

The choice of primers controls which DNA is amplified in PCR.

How DNA is replicated and the enzymes involved?

Ok so DNA is replicated firstly by the 'unzipping' of the DNA molecule by DNA helicase , then free nucleotides combine to their complimentary bases under the influence of DNA polymerease - Hence forming two new DNA molecules:) Hope that helps