

What sweat glands are in the armpits?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What sweat glands are in the armpits?
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What does deodorant do?

Deodorant is spread into the armpit to help mask the smell of sweat. They do not cause your armpits to sweat less, though. Antiperspirants plug the sweat glands up in your armpits so that you do sweat less. Most antiperspirants also have a deodorant in them as well, to not only help you to sweat less, but reduce any odor caused by the sweat in your armpits.

What part of your body sweats more?

Your arm pits is what sweats the most because it has the most sweat glands in the body.

Which skin area has more sweat glands?

It all depends, its actually an interesting question. if you notice, you find sweat more on your forehead and armpits than your arms or hands. It all depends on a whole list of factors that I cannot give you because you will die or boredom.

Do people's armpits cry?

Yes, Armpits do cry but only when you submit yourself to physical activity, or expose yourself to hot environments. It is called sweat and it secretes from the sweat glands within the skin. It is a natural response of the body to try and reduce body temperature.

The two types of exocrine glands in the skin are?

Sebaceous and Sweat glandsadditional information1) Apocrine sweat glands -- a type of human sweat gland that are present in areas such as the axillae (armpits), areola, in the perineum (genital areas), around the belly button and in the external auditory canal(as wax-secreting glands). Specialized types of apocrine glands present on the eyelids are called Moll's glands. Apocrine sweat glands are inactive until they are stimulated by hormonal changes in puberty.2) Holocrine - the sebaceous glands of the skin and the meibomian glands of the eyelid.

What are the 3 types of glands found in the skin and what are their function?

The skin of humans has two basic types of glands, sweat glands (sudoriferous) and oil glands (sebacious). The sweat glands come in two varieties, the eccrine glands produce sweat all over our bodies, but the apocrine glands only become active during puberty and give us body odor. These aromatic apocrine glands are concentrated in the armpits and the genital regions.i dont know lol plzzz someone answer this question

A saltwater solution is secreted by what glands?

sudoiferous glands

Why do humans sweat from armpits?

Well...humans sweat all over our skin. We respire sweat from our pores. Sweat from our armpits smell because of the bacteria wastes.

Why do girls sweat under their arms?

The evaporation of sweating from the skin's surface cools the body to maintain a normal body temperature. Nerves of the sympathetic nervous system control the output of sweat glands to regulate how much sweat they produce. Eccrine glands, found all over the body including the armpits, secrete a watery, cooling sweat.

Why do people have odor?

due some oily secrations of sweat glands. No They dont, Its becuus there is water which is poisonus and then you dont liak it, so they squirt it out your armpits.

Are there sweat glands on your palms?

No, they have sweat glands

Did dinosaurs have sweat glands?

Only mammals have sweat glands. Dinosaurs were reptiles, so they did not have sweat glands.