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Sales tax, license fee, and transfer fee.

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Q: What taxes and fees have to be paid by the buyer of a new car?
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Is it legal to privately sell a car registered in FL in another state and would the buyer have to pay FL taxes or in their state?

Yes it is legal. You can sell the car in any state. The taxes will be paid in the state that the buyer registers the car in.

Does the buyer of a car in a private party transaction have to pay a USE tax to the state of California?

I believe that fee, if you have to pay it, would be included in the taxes and fees you pay at the DMV when you re-register the car under your (the buyer's) name. I have not heard of a use tax, but I know you do have to pay a certain percentage of what your purchasing price was in taxes to the state of CA, in addition to the regular registration fee that is normally paid. I hope that was slightly helpful.

When buying a car from the auction who pays the taxes on the car?

The buyer.

What constitutes the sale and legal transfer of ownership on a vehicle how long does it take and what is DMV's role?

You can sell a car for any reason. There doesn't have to be a reason. The owner signs the title over to the buyer. They buyer then takes the title to the DMV and gets the title into their name. The buyer may have fees or taxes charged to them. They can find out what they will be before buying the car.

Who pays the cost to transfer car title?

Buyer pays the notary and fees.

What required fees are associated with buying a used car from a dealership?

Required fees associated with buying a used car are sales taxes and a title fee.

Do you have to pay taxes on a car that you buy from a dealer but dont license it from the dealer?

Yes, that is included in the final cost of the car. Registration is paid to the state and any fees that goes with it. So, you don't pay the license to the dealer, but the state.

You sold your car and signed the title over but the buyer never registered it 5 years later the car was abandoned and you were contacted to pay the towing and storage fees are you liable?

Not if you have a copy of the bill of sale. Not if you claimed the sale as income on your annual taxes and have documentation so proving.

Can a car be repossessed after it is paid for if the buyer has a side note for a car repair that has not been paid in full?

Yes. Pay the repair bill off, ASAP.

Can the buyer of a car legally repossess the car from the co buyer if the co buyer has made all payments?

If they are a co owner on the reg, they have as much right to it as you-essentially, neither one of you can keep the other from using it paid for or not.

What do total fees mean on car dealership sale?

There are several different fees that are included when you purchase a vehicle from a car dealership. You could be charged for taxes, title, and license.

What is the sales tax rate when selling of the car?

Sales taxes and ownership taxes are assessed by cities, counties, and states. Most often the taxes on a new or used car sale are based on where you currently live, not always on where you buy your car. Almost always, the buyer of the car pays the sales taxes, not the seller.