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Q: What test can be used to find out if you have a tubal pregnancy?
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What test is used to measured the hcg in urine or blood?

pregnancy test

If I had 4 positive urine pregnancy tests and I went to the doctor and he couldn't find anything in the sonogram he administered so he had me do a blood test could 4 home pregnancy tests be wrong?

yes the home pregnancy test is wrong because accuracy wise the blood test for pregnancy which more clinics and hospitals use is more accurate than urine test for pregnancy which is the one frequently used in home pregnancy test or the quick kit test for pregnancy.

Is a tubal and ectopic pregnancy the same thing?

A normal pregnancy is when the foetus grow in the womb where it's supposed to be, whereas an ectopic pregnancy is where the foetus is growing in the fallopian tubes, this is very serious if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy go strait to you GP or nearest A&E department, Ectopic pregnancies can be potentially life threatening.

Would a tubal pregnancy show positive on a home pregnancy test?

Yes, ectopic pregnancy is a rare effect of having a tubal ligation. If you've had a tubal ligation and begin experiencing single sided pain, spotting, bleeding or dizziness you need to be evaluated for tubal pregnancy immediately.

When can you take tests to find out if you are pregnant?

You can take a pregnancy test from two weeks after you last had sex, this is the earliest a pregnancy test can detect pregnancy hormones - but be sure to check the packet to make sure it is sensitive enough to be used this early. It might also be a good idea to consider taking a pregnancy test at your doctors which can be more accurate.

Can a negative pregnancy test be used again then turn positive after being reused?

A pregnancy test can NOT be reused and it will not show a accurate answer.

Can a pregnancy test kit be used over again?


Can vinegar be used to get positive result on pregnancy test?


How long can you keep urine for pregnancy test?

yes you can store urine I did it for four hours and then used a pregnancy test and my results were positive and accurate

Can you use pregnancy test many times?

no it can only be used once per test

How many percent sure does pregnancy test is?

When used as directed, after your period is late - the test is very reliable. It is looking for hCG - found only in pregnancy. A positive test is 100%.

Why does your pregnancy test come out negative at 7 months?

The pregnancy hormone which is used in the test reduces in the third trimester as other hormones take over.