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this is about a man who shoots 2 bird as they fled to the sea never to be seen a gain an this man cannot forgive himself and in this poem he confesses to what he does

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12y ago
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1mo ago

The poem "Forgive Your Guilt" by Mary Oliver explores the themes of self-forgiveness, acceptance, and letting go of past mistakes. It encourages the reader to acknowledge their faults, learn from them, and move forward with a sense of compassion towards themselves. Ultimately, the poem conveys a message of embracing imperfections and finding peace within oneself.

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10y ago

read the poem

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11y ago

death, childhood experiences

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Who said to forgive is divine?

Alexander Pope is credited with the phrase "To err is human, to forgive divine" in his poem An Essay on Criticism.

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guilt is a very heavy feeling to be loading around. guilt is the factor of knowing you did something wrong. so most likely anyone who has guilt for something they did, will feel despair because they know they messed up. but along with guilt comes such a thing as forgiveness. if you admit that you are wrong, and as long as what you did wasn't so severe that the person feels like you can not be forgiven, then if the person sees you are truly sorry for what you did and if they care about you they will forgive you. forgiveness is something that we must all possess in this life. the saying is to forgive but not forget. that means, once you forgive someone it's your way of saying "it's okay THIS ONE TIME, but I won't forget, and if you do it again I won't be able to accept that"

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This poem is a narrative poem. It tells the story of the killing of the cat by the boy. The moral of it seems to be that if you hide something bad that you have done, it haunts you forever and you are never free from your guilt.

Would a girl forgive you if you cheated on her once and then stopped because of guilt?

It would depend on the girl... and chances are, even if she did forgive you, she would be thinking about it all the time for a very long time. Prepare to have it thrown in your face every time the opportunity arises.

Why did they have the Lord's Supper?

It was the Feast of the Passover, a traditional gathering with food. Jesus used the symbolism as He became Our Passover - a blood sacrifice that could and does forgive sin and the guilt of it.

How do you forgive urself for cheating on your man?

The best way to forgive yourself is to ask God to forgive you first, repent and ask Him for forgiveness and then forgive yourself. Everyone sins; it happens everyday but the trick is--to leave that sin behind and move on with your life... A: Try and keep the religious spewings to yourself. Religion is one way to forgive yourself, but it comes from within. You must make amends with him no matter how hard it is. You cannot be with your man if you aren't completely honest with him, or you will carry the guilt your entire life. If he knows, then it is within your heart that you must forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, its what you do after them that matters.

Why will eliezer never forgive juliek?

Eliezer will never forgive Juliek because Juliek died during the Holocaust, and Eliezer may feel survivor's guilt or sadness over his death. The traumatic circumstances of Juliek's death and the impact it had on Eliezer may prevent him from finding forgiveness.

Will you still go to heaven after killing a man?

This is an interesting question. God will forgive you for everything you do, but you're the one that has to ask for forgiveness and have guilt. He will accept and you will be granted the wish to go to heaven.

What is the subject matter in the poem strange meeting?

The subject matter of the poem "Strange Meeting" by Wilfred Owen is the futility and horror of war, exploring the tragic meeting of two soldiers in the afterlife. The poem delves into themes of guilt, forgiveness, and the devastating impact of war on individuals.

In the poem the return who is the speaker?

The speaker in the poem "The Return" is a soldier who has returned home from war and is reflecting on the impact of his experiences. He is grappling with feelings of guilt, loss, and confusion as he tries to reintegrate into civilian life.

Is it ok to sleep with another woman after yours has cheated on you and would this damage the relationship irreparably even if she has given you permission out of guilt?

No, it is not okay to sleep with another women even if you have been given permission. The key words are " out of guilt". She only said this out of guilt , she does do mean it. This would damage the relationship because you don't trust her and now she won't trust you. If you love her forgive her and try to save your relationship. Two wrongs don't make a right.