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Theoretically, compostable materials include whatever breaks down with death and decay; doesn't attract scavenging wildlife such as coyotes; and isn't considered a weed or known to be diseased or toxic.

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Friute,vege,pork and meat and mud

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jam and bread

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Q: What kinds of items can be put in to a compost pile?
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Can yeast go into compost?

Yes, yeast can go into your compost pile.

Should you put milk in the compost pile?

No, milk should not be put in the compost pile.Specifically, the drink can be grouped with dairy products. Dairy products emit unpleasant odors as they decompose. The liquid and the smell may attract wildlife to the compost pile.

What can you put on your compost pile to break it down faster?

Compost additives, boosters, and starters are items which can be put on a pile to make compostables break down faster. The process of composting centers upon energy flows through proper ingredients and procedures. Carbon- and nitrogen-rich additives, boosters, compostables, and starters respectively protein energy and protein.

How moist should the material be that is being put into the compost pile?

as wet as a sponge wrung out

What composts naturally?

Mother Nature doesn't compost, She mulches. But, anything that is from the Earth, will return to it, eventually. Put matter in a pile and eventually you will have compost.

What to feed a worm?

you can feed it old coffe grains and anything you'd put in a compost pile

Can you put pasta in a compost pile?

Yes, pasta can be put in a compost pile. The food in question must not be contaminated, mixed with dairy products or meats, or soaked in greases or oils. Despite these prescriptions, there will be some people involved in backyard or counter composting who prefer to just not include pasta.

How much water do you put in the compost pile?

You need to put in just enough water so that the compost pile has the consistency of a wrung out sponge. The moisture level needs to favor the growth and working of beneficial, decomposer microorganisms. Too moist a pile encourages rampant fungal problems, and too dry won't allow the compostable materials to break down properly.

Should you allow rain into compost bin?

Rain will not hurt a compost pile, unless it floods. In order for a compost pile to decompose and form compost, it is necessary to keep it from drying out. Rain will assist you in this activity.

Can you put a cigar on a compost pile?

Yes, a cigar can go in a compost pile.Specifically, the tobacco product is question is high in carbon. It therefore may be included as one of the carbon-rich, energizing brown materials within a compost pile. Its paper may need to be removed because of toxically colorful printing inks.