

What three obligations did vassals owed by their lords?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Vassals and their lords were in a system of mutual support.

The vassals owed military support, oaths of loyalty, and oats of obedience.

The lords provided guarantees of land, a place to live, and military protection.

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Q: What three obligations did vassals owed by their lords?
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Before 1066, England was organized as a feudal society with a hierarchical structure. The king held the ultimate power and granted land to lords in exchange for loyalty and military service. These lords then sublet the land to knights, who served as their vassals. The majority of the population were peasants who worked the land and owed various obligations to their lords. This feudal system provided a framework for governance, defense, and the collection of taxes.

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Feudal society was held together by mutual obligations, sometimes based on custom, and sometimes based on vows. The serfs and their lords had obligations to one another, which were inherited. The serfs owed their lords labor and had a duty to stay on the land; in exchange, the lords had to provide the serfs with land to work, places to live, and protection. The lords and their overlords or monarchs had obligations to one another, based on feudal vows. The lords gave the their superiors oaths of loyalty and gave support of whatever nature was required, usually military; the monarchs and higher lords gave the lords manors to live on and from which they could get their incomes. All of these people gave support to the Church, which responded with support of its own, both spiritual and temporal.

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Power. The feudal systems involved aristocratic landlords giving landed estates (feuds) to lesser aristocrats and knights in exchange for political and military support. These people were called vassals and owed loyalty their feudataries. Since there were not centralised armies, soldiers were raised by the aristocrats and giving land to vassals ensured that military services would be provided to them by the vassals.

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because the treaties could have been broken

What does liege mean?

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Why did Hamilton believe it was important to pay back the debt owed to bond holders?

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A lord had a number of vassals, each of whom owed him military service. If one refused to provide that service then he was in breach of that obligation, which meant the fief was forfeit, and the lord could take it away. This would have been enforced by other vassals, some of whom would have benefited from the removal of the one who was in defiance.

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