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Caterpillars are leaf eaters, not meat eaters. As such, caterpillar jaws do not secrete any poison or venom to immobilize their prey. The "bite" of a caterpillar is more of a pinch than a bite.

Unlike bees or wasps, caterpillars do not have stingers - a caterpillar has no mechanism to inject poison of any sort into you.

Some caterpillars have a type of fur. The individual hairs can be irritating, like fiberglass, but this is a mechnical irritation.

Some caterpillars might have hidden claws,but it doesn't need that much medical atention, you might need a band-aid but nothing more. I have expirienced this before.

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Q: What to do for a caterpillar bite or sting?
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Are there any poison catapilliars?

yes There are a couple of venomous caterpillars. They don't bite, but have spines or spikes on their bodies that will inflict a nasty wound. Fatalities are very rare, though they do happen. A woman from Alberta Canada died this year after stepping on a spiny caterpillar while in Peru. Most likely she stepped on a member of the Lonomia family. The Lonomia Caterpillar which is one of the few that can cause serious damage is found throughout South America. It's sting can cause fatal hemoraging and kidney failure. Most however, just leave you with a bad sting, which will cause burning, inflammation around the sting, numbness, swelling and in some cases nausea, all depending upon what you came in contact with. Here are a few more that can cause a bad sting: Saddleback caterpillar Puss caterpillar Io moth caterpillar Hag caterpillar Buck moth caterpillar Spiny oak-slug caterpillar Flannel moth caterpillar