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Flying Buttresses

Pointed Arches

Ribbed Vaults

Plan in the shape of a cross

Stained Glass Windows

Very Ornate, Tall Structures


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11y ago

Lighter walls, which made bigger windows and higher buildings possible. The arc shape changed from a more rounded to a more spiked and taller arc.

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Q: What are seven thing that most Gothic cathedrals have in common?
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Is the word puppy a common noun?

Yes. A common noun is a person, place, or thing.

What kind of noun is beautiful?

The noun beauty is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a quality, a thing.

What did Goya and Picasso have in common Impressionism year of birth native land lack of recognition during life or cubist technique?

One thing in common is their native land they are both born in Spain.

Is panarchy an adjective or a noun?

The word panarchy is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a form of government, a word for a thing.

Is tiger is a naming noun?

In English there is no noun type called a 'naming noun'. A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing. The noun 'tiger' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a type of feline; a word for a thing.

Related questions

Are cathedrals a person place or thing?


Is it a Christian thing to be gothic?

What really matters is if you practice Christianity. One can be a gothic Christian, or a gothic non-Christian.

Is there such thing as Gothic music?

Yes there is. Bauhaus and Sisters of Mercy for example.

Why were cathedrals in medieval times built so big?

Cathedrals were big in the middle ages, as the people of the town doated money to the monks to contribute to building their cathedrals so that the monks could pray for them, they were also big to hold all of the monks inside it.

What rhymes with cathedrals?

beedrill(the pokemon) seed drill (im pretty dure that a actual thing) weed skill that all i got

What was first created in the Middle Ages?

the first thing create din the middle ages was gothic architecture

Is Adam Lambert goth?

No he is Emo and yes their is a difference

What is the noun form of seven?

The number seven is a singular, common noun, a word for a thing. Example:My house is number seven.We have sold seven of the cakes.When a number is used to describe a noun (seven students), it is an adjective.

Is Gothic architecture the same as Cassical Gothic architecture?

Yes, they are the same thing. Gothic revival is somewhat different but holds the same characteristics. Gothic revival began during the 18th century, an era also referred to as the Victorian Gothic era.This architectural movement sought to revive medieval art forms in architecture, design and in other various art mediums. England was the epicentre of this movement, as many of the Gothic revival ideologies stemmed from this country and its surrounding areas. Artists and architects that integrated Gothic revival into their art forms tried to create structures and art forms that differed from the neoclassical style that was predominant at the time.

I looked on my computer for HOURS and i cant find a single good thing on where to find gothic clothing in Kuala Lumpur?

search in google

Where were the Middle ages cathedrals built?

The use of cathedrals was the same in the Middle Ages as it is today, as the church associated with the central administration of a diocese. The diocese is a set of churches grouped according to geographical area. The religious head of a diocese is a bishop, whose church is the cathedral. It is called a cathedral because the bishop's throne is there; the Latin word "cathedra" means seat. The presence of a cathedral was the thing that distinguished a city from a town, for much of the Middle Ages.

Can you be 30 and gothic?

I once saw some lady in her 50's Probabily (seriously she had a blue mohawk and very thing) so I don't worry of your age as long as you have a good job and partner who accepts you for your gothic ways it's all good.