

What two colors mix together and make grey?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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black and white

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Q: What two colors mix together and make grey?
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What primary colors mix to make grey?

all the primary colors together

What colors do you mix together to make silver grey?

Silver grey is a mix of black (25%) and white(75%).

What colors do you mix together to make bluish grey?

you mix blue, white, and black

What two colors make grey?

Mix colors black and white together to get gray!

What colors are used together to make grey?

Normally black and white, but you can mix a medley of colors that are usually cool in color. ;)

What does black and white equal?

Grey, when you mix the colors together.

What color does green and grey mixed together make?

Green and grey mixed together makes a very muddy green. Most artists would not choose to mix these colors together.

What color do you get when you mix all the colors together?

brown nope. If you mix all the colors together, you get a blue-grey. I don't know why, but you do. This is if you are talking about paint. With crayons, yes it is brown with streaks of other colors.

What colors mix do I use to get a gray for doing a painting of a barn?

Stick to mixing the blues and greens with a touch of yellow, but avoid red which will make your mix go brown. If you want grey then mix black and white together the more white you add the lighter the grey you get.

What colors mix to white?

no colours mix together to make white

What colors do you mix together to make light grey?

About one quarter black and three quarters white. However, the more white you add. The lighter it will be. Adding less white will result in a darker grey.

What color is all the colors put together?

the colors that mix together to make all colors are: Green,Blue,Red