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LSD, due to it's very low dose, can be put onto almost anything. A single street dose is 25 to 100 micrograms, meaning a single gram of pure powder can yield 10000-40000 doses.

For this reason it is rarely sold as a pure powder, as it can be very dangerous to handle in this state.

It is most commonly sold either dissolved into liquid so that one drop is equivalent to a dose, or on small squares of blotter paper approximately 5mm in size with designs printed on them.

There are also less common forms that are rarely found on the street, such as:

Small squares of Gelatin(called windowpanes)

Very small pressed pills(called microdots)

sugar cubes(often used to hold a liquid dose for future use)

It can also be dropped onto almost anything, food, candy, etc...

Since LSD is an extremely fragile molecule, this is usually not done for long term storage or for sale, as the LSD can react with the food and be destroyed rather quickly.

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11y ago

LSD is a well-known hallucinogen. It has some stimulant properties, but because these are not as significant as its other effects it is generally classified as a psychedelic hallucinogen.

It is possible to identify a user in several ways:

  1. Dilated pupils
  2. Tremors in the hands
  3. Fidgeting
  4. Unusual speech patterns, sometimes unintelligible
  5. Stammering (in some cases)
  6. Obvious detachment from reality
  7. An unusually pale, or unusually flushed complexion (depending on the users state).
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What are the types of LSD?

You have liquid LSD, a dose is one drop from a dropper. You have blotter LSD, a dose is one square that you put on your thongue. You have microdots, but I'm not sure if they still exist.

What main types of hallucinogenic drugs people use most often?

Blotter, Hashish, LSD, Marijuana, and PCP.

What are all the names for LSD?


What chemicals are in LSD?

The chemical in LSD is LSD. LSD-25 is the chemical. It stands forLysergic acid diethylamide

Did Einstein used LSD?

It is very unlikely. Most users of LSD have been young adults and rebellious types. Einstein as a serious hard worker who probably would not have risked his brain by experimenting with drugs. He was also nearly 60 years old in 1938 when LSD was invented.

How do you classify LSD?

LSD is a hallucinogenic drug.

What is the definition for LSD?

LSD is a hallucinogenic drug

Is LSD a type of barbiturate?

No, LSD is not a barbiturate.

Who does LSD effect?

LSD has effects on all people and animals

Is there a LSD in a 1996 SS-II Celica?

no celica came with LSD but you can find an after market LSD

Does LSD have any physiological effect on the digestive system?

LSD is taken by letting it diffuse through thin skin under the tongue right to the blood stream, it ommits the digestive system. Swallowing/drinking LSD would destroy the LSD molecules because of highly acidic ph of stomach. LSD mostly focuses on serotonin receptors in the brain, but the scope of receptor types affected by this drug is enormous and the only way I can think of for LSD to be harmful to digestive system is through some highly complicated endocrine pathways in regular users, but it may have no effect at all.

What are treatments to LSD?

it is a silly question. LSD IS the treatment to basically your ego and disconnection which are the disease that LSD is the treatment FOR.