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The canary islands are actually named after dogs, the Latin for dog being canis, canis (c).

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Q: What type of animal are the canary islands named after?
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What type of animal is the canary islands named after?

Dogs, canines.

What type of animal is a canary?

A canary is a bird.

What type of currency is used in the canary islands?

The Canary Islands uses the Euro as its official currency.

What type of monetary system is there in the canary islands?

The Euro

Where is Lanzarote located in country?

Lanzarote is an island in the Canary Islands. Other islands in the Canaries archipelago are Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Less well known are the islands of Hierro , and Gomera. Politically they are all part of Spain. They are situated in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Morocco. The archipelgo is known for the finch type cage bird named 'Canary', and the name 'Canary is from the Latin, 'Canis', mean 'dog' .

What are facts about the islenos that came to Louisiana?

They came from the Canary Islands with 2000 people in the 1770s. The name Canary Island does not come from the bird. It comes from canine (dog). Some type of dog (don't remember what kind) was brought to Louisiana and mated with a wolf. So that's how it got its name. The bird known as the canary is named after the island.

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It wasn'tnamed after an animal. It was named after a British type of warship similar to an American destroyer.

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Maroo gets her name based on a spacific animal What type of animal is it and what is it called?

She was named after the bird called ptarmigan

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Pancho rode a palomino named Loco

What is a canary's body covered with?

The canary is a bird. All birds have feathers, although sometimes the type of feather varies.