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Q: What type of economy does tajikistan have?
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What economic system does tajikistan have?

Tajikistan has a market economy with strong state intervention and many publicly-owned companies. Additionally, according to the World Bank, 28.8% of Tajikistan's GDP comes from foreign remittances.

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Are the Himalayan mts in Tajikistan?

No, they are not in Tajikistan.

What was the official name of Tajikistan?

The Republic of Tajikistan.

When was Tajikistan created?

Tajikistan was created in 875.

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It has a market economy. BUT IT WAS a command economy

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Opposite of Market Economy

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a type of economy that is very sincitiv in a matter of time

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it has a mixed economy

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Capilatist Economy (:

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A free economy