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Everything from Ultra Low Frequency Radio Frequencies (under about 1Hz) through High Energy Gamma Rays. Visible light is somewhere in middle.

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12y ago

ELectromagnetic radiation will be in the form of waves transverse in nature. Electric vector and magnetic vector being in phase vary sinusoidally in two perpendicualr planes.

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Q: What is a form of electromagnetic radiation in space?
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Form of energy does not require matter for traveling through space?

Electromagnetic Radiation

What is a form of energy that moves in waves and can travel through space is called?

It is electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation that comes from the outer space is?

Electromagnetic radiation that comes from outer space are called, Cosmic Rays.

Which form of electromagnetic radiation is visible?

Visible light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is visible.

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what is a form of energy that travels as waves through the air and some solids and liquids call?

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Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through space by electromagnetic radiation. Most of the electromagnetic radiation that comes to the earth from the sun is invisible. ... In electromagnetic radiation, its frequency is the number of electromagnetic waves moving past a point each second.

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Electromagnetic radiation.

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Electromagnetic Radiation requires no medium. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, and it can traverse the stars.

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Various wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.

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Radiation is the thermal of energy by electromagnetic waves through the vacuum of space.

Light is a form of what?

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The transfer of energy as waves moving through space is called?
