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They were a Theocracy. In other words they lived ruled by the church.

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Q: What kind of government does Salem have in The Crucible?
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How does the Salem witch trial relate to The Crucible?

The Crucible is a fictional work ABOUT the Salem Witch Trials.

What kind of government is in force in The Crucible?


In what town is the concluding act IV Set for crucible?


The Crucible takes place in?

SALEM WITCH TRIALS in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692.

How did The Crucible by Arthur Miller resemble the Salem witch trials?

The Crucible is a fictional story about the Salem Witch Panic. Just don't take any facts from the Crucible and believe them, its fiction after all.

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What kind of government does Salem have?

Salem's form of government is known as a Plan B Government. It provides for a Mayor, and a City Council of eleven members.

What characters in 'The Crucible' were in the real Salem witch trials?

The Crucible was merely a dramatization of the Salem Witch trials, not the actual trials. Therefore, all the characters in the Crucible are adaptions of real people at the real trials.

Where does act IV take place in the crucible?

salem jail :-) -apex

What are the differences between Arthur Millers The Crucible by Arthur Miller and the Salem witch trials?

The main difference is that McCarthyism was a real political period in the United States when Senator McCarthy tried to scare the people that Communism was leaking into our government whereas The Crucible is a play about the Salem Witch trials.

What is the setting of act 4 in The Crucible?

Salem jail