

What type of love is Agape?

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unconditional love

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Q: What type of love is Agape?
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How do you say I Love You using a different word?

I agape you (agape means love)

Is agapo or filia a deeper love?

agape, & 'agapo' literally means 'i love' ...'agape' is the word love

Is agape a teaching of god?

Agape is a type of love. In the Hebrew language there are three different words for love and all three represent a different kind. One means the love of family and friends, another means love of a spouse, and the third is agape which means unconditional, unwavering, and self-sacrificing love for others. God teaches us this by sending Jesus to die on the cross. This was the largest act of agape that could ever be preformed.

What are some examples of agape?

An Agape letter is an example of agape Agape is strong chritian/faith love. (love for eachother through christ)

Can you give a sentence with the word agape?

It depends on what you mean by "agape". Agape (pronounced uh-gay-p) means "open to a large extent". For example, "The person's mouth was agape after a skateboarder landed a very hard trick." Agape (pronounced a-ga-pay) means "love of humanity" or "impersonal love". For example, "It is through the agape of Christ that Christians seek redemption for their sins."

What is the secret of true love to God?

Agape is the word for a type of divine, unconditional, and perfect love. Mostly, it refers to the type of love God has for people. This is the secret of true love but it's actual nature and understanding are beyond human grasp because of sin. If you want more information look up the word "agape".

What is agape?

The term AGAP is an abbreviation for the Anion Gap which measures ions charge in blood.

What is the difference between agape and agapo?

Agape is the Greek work for "love" and is used as a noun. i.e. "There was a great love (agape) between the mother and her daughter." Agapo is used as a verb, such as: "I love (agapo) ice cream".

What are the 3 kinds of love?

The Ancient Greeks have four distinct words for love, and these words have evolved into psychological terms, referring to different types of love. Philia is a type of love involving friendship and equality. Storge is the type of affection felt by parents towards children or other family relationships. Eros is physical, passionate love, or intimate love, and Agape is the unconditional love felt towards another person.

What does agape in Hebrew look like?

Agape in Hebrew looks like unconditional love.

How do you say agape love in hawaiian?

love = aloha

How do you explain agape love and philao love to 8 year old children?

Tell the child, Agape love is how I feel about my spouse and you. Phileo love is the kind of love i have towards my friends.