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Diverging Plate Boundary

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Q: What type of plate movement occurs when two oceanic plates pull apart?
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Related questions

When does subduction occur?

Subduction is a process that occurs when two oceanic plates pull apart

Does seafloor spreading hold the plates in place?

No, seafloor spreading does not hold the plates in place. Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges where new oceanic crust is formed and spreads apart. It is driven by the movement of tectonic plates, which are actually responsible for holding the seafloor in place.

How are divergent plates different from convergent plates?

Divergent Boundaries happen when two plates (oceanic or contental) begin to diverge, or move apart. Convergent Boundaries occur when two plates (again, oceanic or contential) begin to converge or move apart

Where do two oceanic plates pull apart?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

What happen as some plates move apart?

New oceanic plates/crust are created in the space of separation.

How are the pushed together and pulled apart?

Both continental and oceanic plates float on the top surface of the mantle, which is divided into convection cells. The movement of these convection cells drag the plates along: where convection causes the mantle material to fall the plates are pushed together and where convection causes the mantle material to rise the plates are pulled apart.

What is caused by the movement of the plates?

The movement of the hot mantle has broken the crust apart into large plates.

What does the rift valley along a mid ocean ridge mark?

It represents the line of divergence (divergent plate margin) between oceanic plates, where two oceanic plates are moving apart and new oceanic crust is formed.

What is when two oceanic plates move apart and new crust is formed?

coenvergent zone

Im the gap that forms as tectonic plates move apart?

Oceanic trenches are the gaps which form when the tectonic plates move apart. They are the very deepest parts of the ocean.

New crust forms when or where?

where two plates pull apart from each other at oceanic ridges

What is it called when two oceanic plates move apart and new crust is formed?

Seafloor Spreading