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There are many types as religions in the world. Here are some of them:

ChristianityWith well over two billion followers throughout the world, Christianity is an Abrahamic religion centered on God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. One of the big issues surrounding Christianity is that some people question the existence of the Trinity. Other points of debate are the Christian beliefs in Immaculate Conception, the original sin, the existence of the Devil, and the coming of the apocalypse. Learn more about Christianity and find out how it became the world's largest religion with holidays that are known worldwide. HinduismIt is considered to be one of the most tolerant religions in the world. The ultimate aim of any Hindu is to attain 'moksha' from the cycle of rebirth. Historians believe over the centuries Hinduism had adopted many spiritual traditions and practices, which are seen even today in the homes of many Hindus. It is not easy to generalize the beliefs of Hinduism because the practices vary widely among the believers of this religion. It is also considered to be the oldest religion practiced. IslamMore than one billion people in the world follow Islam, worship Allah, believe in angels, and consider Muhammad as the latest prophet. These are only a few of the beliefs set by the religion that is disciplined and strict in its rules and customs. The Five Pillars guide Muslim life, as do the Qur'an, the Hadith, and the fatwas which contribute to the Sharia. BuddhismLearn about the quest for Enlightenment that intrigued people throughout history and learn about the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. Meditation played a significant role in the life of Siddhartha Gautama, who left his princely lifestyle to find the meaning of true nature. Buddhism has continued to change the lives of people today who follow the path towards enlightenment. Discover more about the peaceful religion that worships no God and believes in a spiritual journey based on karma. JudaismOver twelve million people in the world follow Judaism and regard the Torah as the most important holy book of Judaism. Jews believe they are the chosen people of God and consider Moses as the founder of this religion. The laws of God guide Jews throughout their lives and followers of this religion spend a lot of their time praying. Delve into the religion of Judaism to find out more about their customs and beliefs. AtheismAtheism is the belief that God, deities, and spiritual beings do not exist. The term Atheism is a combination of a, which means without, and theism, which means belief in God or gods. According to Atheism, people do not need to rely on gods or holy writings to create moral codes to rule life. Many Atheists are avid secularists and are against the inclusion of religion in public affairs. Some people who are Atheists are actually religious. Religions as Buddhism comply with principles of Atheism, as do religions that grew out of Judaism and Christianity that take a more humanistic approach and do not focus on the existence of God. Richard Dawkins is a widely recognized atheist and considered to be the father of modern atheism. MormonismThe Mormon Church was founded in the United States in the 19th century. It is also called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or The Church of Jesus Christ. Although Mormonism is a Christian faith, it is very different from the other sects of Christianity. According to Mormons, the other Christian churches have gone off course, and their church is the only one that is modeled after the church envisioned by Jesus. Their holy books are: The Holy Bible (King James Version), the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. With 12 million members throughout the world, the Mormon Church has been active in spreading the gospel throughout its history.

You can also learn about other world religions including the Baha'i Faith, Candomble, Jainism, Shinto, and others.

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11y ago

There are man types of religion in the world including:







These being the most famous, there are many more out there some that make absolutely no sense. Such as the "Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" and fictional religions to.
There are many types of religion, but only one of them is real. Christianity. Christians know jesus came to earth, is the son of God, died and rose again.

Others :

  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Buddhism
  • Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Hinduism
  • and many many many more these are just some of the top of my head
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