

What types of scoliosis is there?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What types of scoliosis is there?
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My mom doesn't have scoliosis but can i get scoliosis?

I have scoliosis and no one in my family has had it. So you can get scoliosis even if its not in your family history. There are 3 types of scoliosis, I suggest looking them up, I unfortunatly have the type that no one knows what's causing it. But the 2 other types are well know and if you have it they can probably do more for you than mine.

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Kyphosis and Scoliosis

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What are the types of postural defects?

Some types of posture defects are kyphosis, scoliosis, and lordosis. . These are different types of spine curvature problems. For example, scoliosis is a posture defect in which the spine has a C-shaped or S-shaped curve. Lordosis is also known as swayback and kyphosis is a hunched back.

What is the lateral curvation of the spine called?

That is called a scoliosis. You can remember the 'S' shaped spine of Scoliosis.

Cure for a bent spine?

There are many different types of spine problems that may be called a bent spine. Some are kyphosis and scoliosis. A treatment for scoliosis or kyphosis can be a back brace, or in severe cases corrective surgery.

What is a prevention of scoliosis?

scoliosis can not be prevented

Where does scoliosis mainly affect?

Scoliosis is a descriptive term for a spinal condition. Scoliosis means curvature

What effects does scoliosis have on your daily routine?

effects of scoliosis

Can scoliosis mean the spine has a twist?

yes that is what scoliosis is

What is the disorder of Scoliosis?

scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine

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