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Besides physical characteristics, which are kind of obvious, infants are very trusting and of course dependant. Slowly, as they grow older they become less dependant. Though it does depend on who the person grew up or how, etc. still though they aren't as in need of constant help.

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Q: What unique characteristics do you have as an infant as a child and as a teenager?
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The probability is zero! There is no such thing as "normal". Every child (and adult) has some unique characteristics and that makes them not normal - in that respect.

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An infant.

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The AED can be used on a child if the child pads are available. Currently, the AED is not set up for infant use.

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The word you are looking for is infant. Infant means small child.

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Providing the infant has suitable documentation and supervision.

What is infant stands for?

it stands for a small child. Example a baby is an infant

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