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The B vitamins function as part of co-enzymes. A co-enzyme is a small molecule that combines with an enzyme and activates it.

The B vitamins are "helpers". The energy yielding nutrients--carbohydrate, fat and protein--give the body fuel for energy; the B vitamins help the body use that fuel. Vitamin B6 helps the body use amino acids to synthesize proteins; the body then puts the protein to work in many ways--to build new tissues, to make hormones, to fight infections, or to serve as fuel for energy.

Vitamin B12 and folate help cells to multiply, which is especially important to cells with short lifespans that must replace themselves rapidly. In short, each and every B vitamin is involved, directly or indirectly, in energy metabolism.

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Q: What use is vitamin B in the human body?
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Purpose of B vitimins?

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How does vitamin B6 differ from vitamin B?

vitamin b6 improves body strength while vitamin b only increases bone strength. It is a common misconsumption and a myth that they are both the same and don't do anything different.

Why is it impossible to overdose on vitamin a but not vitamin b?

Vitamin B is a water soluble vitamin meaning that it is not stored in the body. Your body will use what it needs and flush the remainder out in the urine. Water soluble vitamins need to be replaced on a regular basis. As with any vitamin you should always follow the manufacturers recommended daily dosage. By doing this you will not run into problems. However, Vitamin D being fat soluble, means that it does not get flushed by the kidneys if consumed in excess, and stored within the liver predominantly.

Is it true that Niacin is unique among the B vitamin in that the body can make it from the amino acid lysine?

Yes. It is true that Niacin is unique among the B vitamin in that the body can make it from the amino acid lysine.