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From the book "How to interpret your own dreams" by Tom Chetwynd:

"The Self is the higher spiritual man, the unknown and even unknowable quality of human nature itself, in it's godlike universal and eternal aspect and in its individuality in time. The finite limited man, reaching out for the roots of his being - which are both his source and his goal - transcends the personal to embrace the whole range of nature and reality to it's very depths. In a potential wholeness, which becomes the image of God within him, this unity is achieved by penetrating the sphere of inner being, which at the same time will permeate the worldly sphere of unique individual existence. In this way the potential self becomes the actual self; the seed grows into the whole integrated personality."

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Q: What was Carl Jung definition of theory of self?
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Jung divided life into two halves - in the first one human should develop his conscious - persona and ego; in second he or she must face with the unconscious mind - with shadow, anima/animus and Self archetype.

What are the basic concepts in Carl Jung's theory of dreams?

Jung was the founder of the school of analytical psychology. His main theories were those of collective unconscious, archetypes, individuation, and typology based on extaversion-introversion with four functions (thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition). Collective unconscious is, according to theory, the part of mind shared by every human being. It contains archetypes, universal psychological structures. The aim of the individuation is wholeness, through the integration of unconscious forces and motivations underlying human behavior.

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This quote comes from Carl Jung's book "Memories, Dreams, Reflections," in which he emphasizes the importance of embracing and integrating all aspects of the self, including the shadow, for personal growth and transformation.

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What did Carl Jung believe about religion?

We can say that he was an independent thinker. He thought that religion is natural human need and was interested only in psychological, "archetypal" God, rather than in problem of objective cosmic intelligence. Jung used the therm "God" as a synonym for "archetype of self" - collective, unconscious structure of psyche which generates harmony and wholeness of soul, according to his theory. In interview "Face to face with Carl Jung" he said: "The word "belief" is a difficult thing for me. I don't believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing, and then I know it - I don't need to believe it." And when he was asked does he believe in God, he answered: "Now? Difficult to answer... I know. I don't need to believe, I know."

Was Carl Jung an atheist?

He was definitely not, although we can't say he was really a classic theist neither, because he was interested only in psychological, "archetypal" God, rather than in problem of objective cosmic intelligence. Jung used the therm "God" as a synonym for "archetype of self" - collective, unconscious structure of psyche which generates harmony and wholeness of soul, according to his theory. In interview "Face to face with Carl Jung" he said: "The word "belief" is a difficult thing for me. I don't believe. I must have a reason for a certain hypothesis. Either I know a thing, and then I know it - I don't need to believe it." And when he was asked does he believe in God, he answered: "Now? Difficult to answer... I know. I don't need to believe, I know."

What did Carl Jung?

Carl Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist, was the father of analytical psychology. Jung thought that people share collective unconscious, appearing archetype, including mythology, and symbols and patterns that appear in dreams. He also theorized that there is a female element in the unconscious of men -- the anima -- and a male element in the unconscious of women -- the animus. Jung believed that extroversion and introversion with four functions (thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition) were integral in the study of personality types. The aim of individuation is wholeness, through the integration of unconscious forces and motivations underlying human behavior. During it, the human "I" (Ego) deals with Persona in conscious, and faces the Shadow, Anima/Animus and Self archetype in unconscious.

What theory is called the third force in personality theory?

The theory called the "third force" in personality theory is humanistic psychology. It focuses on understanding and studying the unique qualities and potential of individuals, such as self-actualization and personal growth. The main proponents of this theory were Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.