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The surrender and capture of the British Army under Lord Cornwallis in Virginia, the British seeking terms for peace, resulting in the 1783 Treaty of Paris.

Essentially the result was that the American Colonies won the Revolutionary War.

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The result was the formation of the United States.

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The end of the revolutionary war.

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Q: What was a result from the victory at Yorktown?
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King George III agreed to give the Americans their freedom after the victory at?

After their victory at Yorktown.

What are the results of the victory at Yorktown.?

The result of the victory were that the Americans had a huge advantage. The English General finally surrendered to the patriots due to their huge loss. And thus ended the war.

Where did the victory at Yorktown happen?


Where did the battle at york town take place?

The Battle of Yorktown, also known as the Siege of Yorktown, was a battle between the United States and France vs Great Britain. The result was a victory for the U.S. and France, and led to the Treaty of Paris.

What war was the victory of Yorktown?

American Revolution

What happened after the American victory at Yorktown?

french soldiers

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Where did King George III agree to give the Americans their freedom after the victory at?

Yorktown is the answer! yorktown is right you up there rock!!!!!!!!

What patriot victory convinced the british that the war was too difficult and costly to pursue?

Battle of Yorktown

What states did the victory of Yorktown take place?

it happened on earth

Who fought as allies with the Americans contributing to the victory at Yorktown?

The French