

What was childbirth like between 1500-1750?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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I don't have any facts, but from movies I've watched and what not, I don't think they had any method of numbing, aside from maybe herbal stuff...maybe. So I think that they just had to deal with the pain. However, for a French project I had to read a "diary" of Marie Antoinette. (Last queen of France, just in case you don't know - I'm not degrading you, don't worry =D) Anyway, in "her diary" (it wasn't really her diary, of course) "she" mentioned that when giving birth to her first baby, there was nothing mentioned about any sort of numbing. It said that they cut a spot between her toes (I don't know why, so you could research that) and they had to move the baby because it was "stuck" so she was in labor for a long time. They were concerned about her dying. There was nothing stating a suggestion about surgery to remove the baby, so I don't think that was ever an option back then. BTW, this took place in the late 1700s, after 1750. That being said, I don't think that it was at all different from just a few decades earlier. ^-^

Sorry, I didn't give a really helpful answer, but I said what I know and there weren't any other answers on here =/ I also have no idea how old this question is! (I'm new as of today)

The book I mentioned is called The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette by Carolly Erickson

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