

What was early earth made of?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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13y ago

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bare rock

carbon dioxide atmosphere

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Q: What was early earth made of?
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What might have made up Earth's early atmosphere?

There was a lot of methane.

What are 3 things that existed on early earth?

Liquids Solids Gases Everything on earth is made of these three elements.

Why have scientist had a difficult time determining the age of earth?

because most of the matter that made of early Earth has been destroyed or changed.

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The lack of oxygen and the extreme temperatures

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What gas was a thought by Oparin to be part of the early Earth's atmosphere?

He thought that the early Earth's atmosphere contained ammonia, NH3; hydrogen gas, H2; water vapor, H2o; and compounds made of hydrogen and carbon, such as, CH4.

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Because for much of the earth's early history, living things were made up of soft tissue only.

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there were meteorites, a lot of space debris and lightning and liquid water eventually made the oceans.

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Is early earth an open or closed system?

Early Earth was an open system because energy and matter such as light energy and meteors were bombarding the Earth.

Earth's early atmosphere was formed by gases released by oceans plants cornet impacts or volcanic eruptions?

Volcanic eruptions, they produced a lot of carbon dioxide which made up the early atmosphere.

What were the conditions like on the early Earth?

The surface of early earth was mostly molten and volcanic. The atmosphere was hot and highly toxic.