

What was Mark Twain's childhood like?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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By the books that I have read, his childhood was very weird compared to how children are raised now a days. As a child, he was a gifted student but he hated school. He would ditch school a lot and go to the lake. Now, here is the part that threw me, whenever he went to the lake, he would always try to drown himself. Once when he was ditching school with a friend, his friend fell into the water and barley escaped hypothermia, but that incident left his friend completely deaf. When he was about 11 years old, he would wake up in the morning and look to see if he had a little bump or bruise on him that would keep him away from school. If he did find anything out of the ordinary, he would immediately start moaning and groaning. When he was about 10-14 he had a job of being a printer's apprentice.

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