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Q: What was president Richard Nixon trying to avoid when he claimed executive privelege during the watergate scandal?
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Which two presidents claimed executive privelege?

Richard Nixion

President during Watergate?

the president during watergate was Richard Nixon

Who was the president when the Watergate scandal was uncovered?

Richard M. Nixon was the President implictated in the Watergate Scandal.

Which president associated with Watergate?

The Watergate affair was the downfall of Richard Nixon.

President watergate scandal?

Richard Milhous Nixon was the American President during the Watergate scandal.

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President Richard Nixons Watergate Scandal

What president nearly impeached for Watergate?

Richard Nixon

With president was responsible for the Watergate Scandal?

Richard Nixon

What was going on when Richard M. Nixon was president?


Which is the scandal that brought down US president Richard Nixon and which newspaper exposed it?

Watergate - it was exposed by the Washington Post

Why did Richard Nixon resign the office of president?

why did richard nixon resign the offecer of president

All the President's Men was about what President?

All The President's Men was about Richard M. Nixon and the Watergate scandal.nixonits about Richard Nixon