

What was the Aztecs clothing made of?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The clothing was made of bear and other animal hides.

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Q: What was the Aztecs clothing made of?
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What were Aztecs clothes made out of?

some clothing of the aztecs were made out of linen

What materials did the Aztecs use to make clothing?

The Aztecs made their clothing from imported cotton

What did the Aztec use to make clothing?

The Aztecs made their clothing from imported cotton

What did the Aztecs look like?

The Aztecs womans wore a brightly coloured dress and men wore awite sortsfrom Sophie wright age: 10

What did Aztecs use to make clothes?

The Aztecs made their clothing from imported cotton

What did the Aztecs where in clothing men and women?

Aztec clothing is the clothingthat was worn by the Aztecs who shared similar cultures.

How did Aztecs clothing reflect a person's class?

clothing told how wealthy you were

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How did clothing reflect a person's social class in Aztecs?

clothing told how wealthy you were

What type of clothing did the Aztecs were?

what ever was in fashion a the time.

Why was the clothing of the Aztecs important?

Because with out it they would be nude.

What was the difference between poor Aztec and rich Aztec fashion?

Poor Aztecs wore old cloths or other animal skins. Wealthier Aztecs had rich silks and clothing made of bright feathers.