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The Mayan calendar was made of limestone and written on various surfaces, including stone monuments, stelae, and codices made of bark paper. The calendar system consisted of multiple interlocking cycles of time, including the Haab (365 days) and the Tzolk'in (260 days).

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12y ago

The Mayan calender is based on the alignment of the stars, because the Mayans were good at astronomy.

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Which city made the Mayan calendar?

the mayans made the calender no city did!!

Whon made the 365 day calendar?

The Mayan people made the calender. There is a movie about it called 2012. Supposedly this is when the Mayan calender ended soa common theory says that the Mayan predicted that is when the world would end.

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How old is the Mayan calendar?

the Mayan calender was made a long time ago by the central America.the Mayan calender is about 5000 or more years old.the Mayan calender predicts the end of the world in 2012 but 2012 is in fiction.but no one really knows when the world could end.

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How many months is in a Mayan calendar?

There are 11 months in a Mayan Calender

Will time end?

Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In about 6 billion years though according to scientists. the Mayan Calender suggests it will end on 21st December 2012.However the Mayan calendar ended for the Mayan people about 500 years ago. so if you are worried don't believe the Mayan calender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also don't believe in the Mayan calender.

What is Baktun?

It is a time period in the Mayan calender.

How did 2012 start?

from nostradamus and the Mayan calender

When does the calendar end?

The Mayan calender ends on December 21st,2012. Our calender is endless.

When is earth going to end and how is it going to end according to Mayan calendar?

mayan calender is a mith