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Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Africa, from 1948 to 1994. It was a form of legalized racial inequality. Apartheid means "separateness" in the Afrikaans language. It consisted of numerous laws that allowed the ruling white minority in South Africa to segregate and exploit (and in many cases terrorize) the vast majority of the natives and residents. This mainly affected "black" Africans, but also Asians and "Coloureds" (people of mixed race).

In 1958, apartheid effectively removed the citizenship status of non-whites, relegating them to ostensibly "self-governing" tribal lands, or bantustans. After popular uprisings and international sanctions over 4 decades, the system was finally dismantled. In the first multiracial elections in 1994, Nelson Mandela (a popular leader and victim of political imprisonment) became the first black President of South Africa.

It should also be mentioned that completely separate facilities were created for white and "non-whites" - such as separate beaches, separate queues in shops, separate school's, separate counters in shops, separate coaches on trains and buses, separate living and living areas (the Group Areas Act)... the list goes on!

Apartheid is the Law system in which segregates black South Africans from White South Africans. Apartheid (meaning separateness in Africans, cognate to English apart and -hood) was a system of legalized racial segregation enforced by the National Party (NP) South African government between 1948 and 1994. It arose from a history of settler rule and Dutch and British colonialism, which became policies of separation after South Africa gained self-government as a dominion within the British Empire and were expanded and formalised into a system of legitimised racism and white nationalism after 1948. Apartheid was dismantled in a series of negotiations from 1990 to 1993, culminating in elections in 1994, the first in South Africa with universal suffrage, but the legacies of apartheid still shape South African politics and society.

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6y ago
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11y ago

South Africa's policy of apartheid was a systematic method of implementing racial segregation on the population of the country.

Under apartheid the minority white or 'European' people were considered to be superior to the 'non-European' majority which included blacks, mixed race descendants and Indians.

Non-white people were severely limited in terms of where they could live, what they learnt in school, where they worked, and what kind of work that they did.

The white apartheid government used many different means to oppress the population including military and police force, economic force and the deportation of black people to 'homelands' which were set up in parts of the country that largely lacked valuable economic resources, or land which was suitable for farming.

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11y ago

Apartheid was a system of segregation in South Africa that separated the population into four groups : White, Black, Coloured, and Indian. The 'superior' White group was priviledged, while the 'inferior' Black, Coloured, and Indian groups were discriminated against and forced to submit to many injustices. The Black groups had to use separate and often inferior bathrooms, buses, drinking fountains, schools, as well as many other public services such as hospitals and ambulances. They were not allowed access to most Swimming Pools, beaches, and movie theatres, and often even park benches were segregated. The Black people were over 80% of the population, yet were ruled and discriminated against by the minority White group. Many Black people were also forced to leave their homes for designated 'homelands', and they were restricted to certain jobs only. They had to carry passes detailing their race everywhere with them, and could be subject to great brutality from the police for not having one. Apartheid was abolished in 1994 with the election of Nelson Mandela as Prime Minister, but South Africa still suffers from the lingering effects of Apartheid. For more info, I suggest wikipedia's article on apartheid, it is very accurate and detailed.

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10y ago

Apartheid was the legal system of segregation between White Afrikaaners and Black Africans in South Africa. Whites and Blacks had distinct neighborhoods, eateries, train cars, and power roles in society. It profoundly isolated the two communities within the country and created an immense amount of resentment among the Blacks and the International Community.

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15y ago

well it defined by a cool person lol

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