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Q: What was the boxer rebellion and how is it related to us foreign policy?
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The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 is Best associated with what foreign policy concepts in US history?

It is best associated with the Open Door Policy.

What was the rebellion in China against foreign influence called?

Boxer Rebellion

What conflict included Chinese attacks on foreign missionaries?

The Boxer Rebellion included Chinese attacks on foreign missionaries.

Why did the boxer rebellion?

The Boxer Rebellion happened because Chinese citizens were rebelling against oppressive rule by foreign governments. The Boxer Rebellion lasted from 1898 until 1900.

How did the foreign expansion in Asia and the the Boxer Rebellion affect us policy toward china?

Foreign expansion in Asia and the boxer rebellion affecte u.s policy toward China because we realized they were their own country and did not want to be controlled by foreigners. Therefore we had to start treating China like its own country because that is what it was.

Both the Taiping Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion attempted to rid China of?

foreign domination

What is simliar about the Sepoy Rebellion and The Boxer Rebellion?

The Sepoy Mutiny in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China

Who was the Boxer Rebellion held against?

The Boxer Rebellion was held against foreign interests controlling life within Chinese society.

What came second in the Boxer Rebellion?

Open Door Policy

In 1900 anti-foreign sentiment in china led to an uprising known as the?

The uprising of loyal Chinese against outsiders was called the Boxer Rebellion.

The attempt to rid China of foreign influence was known as what?

Boxer Rebellion

The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising in China favoring .?

the elimination of foreign influences.