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Q: What was the main question Barack Obama asked in his state of the union address?
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Will Barack Obama be the 44th president?

This question was asked before the 2008 election. On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama did in fact get elected America's 44th president. He was re-elected on November 6, 2012.

Is Barack Obama the new President?

Yes. When this question was originally asked, Barack Obama has just won the presidential election in November 2008. And in November 2012, he won re-election, earning a second term as president.

Why do some people hate Barack Obama?

Usually hate is born of fear. The question might better be asked, "Why do some people fear Barack Obama?" There are probably as many answers to why that is as there are people who say they hate him, so we can not really give any concrete answers to the question.

Who is the son of Obama?

We frequently get asked this question because Barack Obama and Barack Obama's dad share the same name. Barack Obama II (the president) has no sons; he and his wife Michelle have two daughters. But his biological father, Barack Obama (Senior) had at least five sons, who were born in Kenya; and he also had one very famous son who was born in the USA, in Hawaii in 1961. That son, Barack II, grew up to be president. It should be noted that there are internet myths which claim President Obama has a "secret son." He does not.

What is Barack Obama's office held right now?

Currently, Mr. Obama is the president of the United States. But when this question was originally asked, he may have still been a United States Senator.

How is Barack Obama doing in the election?

This question was first asked in 2008, when people did not know who was going to win. As it turned out, Barack Obama defeated his challenger, John McCain. Mr. Obama also won re-election in 2012. So, we can now say he did pretty well in both of those elections.

Can Obama become president even though he's from Kenya?

Just a simple advice to all web users. "Before posting a question, be sure to just search for answers on the Internet. Chances are, that some else asked the question and there is an answer."Your question is based on the correct assumption. You assume that Obama is from Kenya. and he is. His father was a from Kenyaas well. Although an extract of live birth showed Obama was born in the USA (Hawaii), in fact he was not born there. Here is one affidavit to that end: I asked Ms. Obama specifically, "Were you present when your grandson Barack Obama was born in Kenya?" this was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she specifically replied, "Yes! Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born." Though, some few younger relatives, including Mr. Ogombe, have obviously been versed to counter such facts with the common purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama was very adamant that her grandson, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, was born in Kenya, and that she was present and witnessed his birth in Kenya, not the United States.When Mr. Ogombe attempted to counter Sarah Obama' clear responses to the question, verifying the birth of Senator Barack Obama in Kenya, I asked Mr. Ogombe, how she could be present at Barack Obama's birth if the Senator was born in Hawaii, but Ogombe would not answer the question, instead he repeatedly tried to insert that, "No, No, No, He was born in the United States!" But during the conversation, Ms. Sarah Hussein Obama never changed her reply that she was in deed present when Senator Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Testimony of the Kenyan ambassador and the news that the Imam with his Kenyan birth certificate has flown to the UK further confirm this.

Did obama ever go to jail?

# no whoever asked you this question tell them no!

What does senator Barack Obama and the Unofficial Sufi Majid's Mosque have in common here in the US?

This question was asked prior to Barack Obama becoming president. Because Mr. Obama had Muslim relatives on his father's side, there were rumors even then that he was a Muslim. He was not. He was raised as a Protestant Christian by his maternal grandparents; but he always had cordial relationships with the churches, temples, and mosques in Chicago, and counted priests, ministers, rabbis, and imams among his friends.

Will Barack Obama be president in 2012?

When this question was first asked, the presidential race was still going on. Most reliable sources believed it would be close, and it was. In the end, President Obama won re-election, defeating his challenger Mitt Romney on November 6, 2012. Mr. Obama received 51% of the vote, and Mr. Romney received 47%.

Was Barack Obama in movie Get on the Bus?

While President Obama enjoys watching movies (the White House has a private theater for the president and his family to use), he has not been in any movies, including the one you asked about.

What will be the first thing Barack Obama will do?

This question was first asked in 2008 and as it turned out, among the first things President Obama did was to deal with the worsening financial crisis and try to turn things around. Not everyone agreed with the decisions he made, but the economy did slowly begin to recover. Still, when he ran for re-election in 2012, there were still a number of problem areas with the economy, and the president had to find ways to address them; this was complicated by constant gridlock in congress, where there was a refusal to compromise on anything, making it difficult for Mr. Obama to move his legislative priorities forward.