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Well, there's two. There's the boat and the wheel.

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Q: What was the mesopotamia transportation invention?
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What are some invention from Mesopotamia?

irrigation, wheel for transportation, cuneiform,

What was Mesopotamia's transportation invention?

Well, there's two. There's the boat and the wheel.

What new invention in transportation had the Mesopotamia's made by 2600 bc?

Mesopotamia made the first ever wheel by 2600 BC

Can you get pictures of Mesopotamia transportation?

No you can not.

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What was the transportation for ancient mesopotamia?

Chuck Norris with a wagon...

What was Mesopotamia's transportation?

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How was Mesopotamia math start?

The invention was based on the number 60.

What are Mesopotamia's inventions?

Mesopotamia contributed to writing with the invention of Cuneiform. They are also credited with developing the wheel for use on its chariots.

How does the invention of a bicycle work?

a bicycle for transportation