

What was the name of Rutherford birchard Hayes wife name?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Lucy Hayes

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Q: What was the name of Rutherford birchard Hayes wife name?
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Who banished wine and liquor from the White House?

President Rutherford Hayes' wife, Lucy. She was nicknamed "Lemonade Lucy".

Who was Rutherford Hayes's wife?

Lucy Ware Webb Hayes (August 28, 1831 - June 25, 1889) was the name of Mrs. Hayes. After she refused to allow liquor to be served in the White House, some people called her Lemonade Lucy.

Which president's wife called lemonade lucy?

President Rutherford B. Hayes called his wife Lemonade Lucy. His wife's real name was Lucy Ware Webb Hayes. She got the nickname because of her support of the temperance movement, which wanted to ban alcohol.

Why was Rutherford B Hayes's wife known as Lemonade Lucy?

she banned alcohol beverages from the white house

Did Rutherford B. Hayes celebrate Christmas?

Yes- he and his wife celebrated Christmas in the way they considered to be appropriate.

What year did Rutherford B. Hayes marriage end?

June 25, 1889 was the date that Hayes's wife, Lucy Webb Hayes died of a stroke, ending his marriage of 36 years.

Which president had a wife with the nickname lemonade Lucy?

Rutherford B. Hayes - his wife's name was Lucy Webb and she earned the nickname "Lemonade Lucy" because she belived in temperance and banned all liquor at state events.

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ernest rutherford's wife name is mary newton.

Whose nickname is Lemonade Lucy?

Lucy Hayes got that name because she did serve alcohol in the White House.

Whose wife was nicknamed Lemonade Lucy?

Lucy Hayes, wife of Rutherford, was known by this nickname because she would serve liquor in the White House.