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Q: What was the name of the french territory in Americas that napoleon sold?
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What does Napoleon stand for?

Napoleon is the name of the French Emperor between 1804 and 1815.

What is the last name of French Napoleon?

The surname of Napoleon was Bonaparte.Originally di Buonaparte.

What is the name of the French Emperor who was defeated by Wellington at Waterloo?

Napoleon I.

Is Napoleon Bonaparte a name?

yes he is a french war solder

How do you spell Napolean?

The spelling of the French military leader is Napoleon Bonaparte.The name is also used as a male given name and among his relatives.The name Napoleon is also used for the French dessert pastry Mille-feuille.

The name of the French Emperor who acquired control of most of Europe?

napolen conquered nearly of Europe

How many Napoleons were there in French history?

There were three of them as follows: Napoleon I (Bonaparte) from 1804 - 1814 Napoleon II (Son of Napoleon I) ruled for one month in 1815 Napoleon III (Nephew of Napoleon I) ruled from 1852 - 1870. also known as Louis Napoleon

What was Napoleon's original name?

He named himself 'First Consul' in 1799and he named himself emperor in 1804.Napoleon named himself First Consul. He did this to try to convince other European states to stop their opposition to the French Revolution.

What was napoleon Bonaparte's second wife's name?

Marie-Louise, Empress of the French

What was the name of the French emperor when the French were helping Mexico?

'Helping' is not the best word to describe the invasion of Mexico by French forces. The name of the French emperor behind such invasion was Napoleon III.

What is Napoleon's French name?

Napoleone di Buonaparte was french and unless you mean someone else, he didn't have another name that wasn't French, only the spelling is different.