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Q: What was the name of the government during apartheid Who were the most important people?
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What are the four categories of race during the apartheid?

Under apartheid the government divided people into four categories by race : "European ,African, Asian,& Colored

The official government policy of discrimination against non-European people in South Africa was known as?


How did apartheid policies influence ownership?

it was the government people

Which language was forced to be used during the apartheid?

The language people's were speaking during apartheid was kua zoulu , kosa

What did Nelson Mandela do that was important for his people?

He helped stop the apartheid

What facilities did the black people have in schools during the apartheid?


Did the black people ever retire during apartheid?


What difference do you find between the apartheid democracy?

Apartheid is difference to democratic government because apartheid is the former government policy in South Africa which kept people of different races separate,and allowed only white people to have full political and economic rights.Democratic government is government which allows people to choose or vote for their own leader. When a country or organisation whose people can choose their own leader or decide about the way it is organised

What happened to the black people during the apartheid?

Under apartheid, people from the Indian sub-continent were classed as 'coloureds' and had a status between that of whites and blacks.

The official government policy of discrimination against non European people in South Africa was?


Were black people during the apartheid allowed to go into white shops?

lol loser

How did the people feel during the apartheid?

The apartheid made Nelson Mandela feel unhappy. He knew he had to make a difference in peoples lives, if he didnt, nobody would.