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Q: What was the name of the practice of rewarding government jobs for support?
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What Describes the practice of victorious politicians rewarding their followers with the government jobs?


What is the process of rewarding political support for lucrative government jobs called?

The Spoil System

What is the practice of victorious politicians rewarding their followers with government jobs?

presidential appointment

What was the practice of rewarding government jobs to faithful party members and is usually associated with Old Hickory?

the spoils system

What was the practice of rewarding supporters with jobs?


The practice by Jackson and others of rewarding political supporters with jobs was called?


What does the spoils system refer to?

The spoils system refers to a practice in which once a political party wins an election, it rewards its voters with government jobs. This is also referred to as patronage system.

What was term give for Jackson's policy of rewarding his supporters with government jobs?


Which term describe s the practice of victorious politicians rewarding their followers with government jobs?

This practice is known as "patronage" or "the spoils system," where politicians give out government positions to their supporters as a form of reward for their loyalty and political contributions. It has been criticized for promoting corruption and inefficiency in government administration.

Rewarding party supporters with benefits, like government jobs, is known as?

the spoils system

What is the spoil systems?

The spoils system was a practice where people were given government jobs on the basis of their political support. The system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power.

Provides government jobs in exchange for political support?

patronage-exchanging government jobs and contracts for political support