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the german confederation was dissolved

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Q: What was the result of the seven week war?
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In 1866 purssia fought and won a seven-week war with what neigthbor?

In 1866, Prussia fought and won a seven-week war with Austria. The end of the war saw the dissolution of the German Confederation and the formation of the North German Federation.

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What was the result of the Seven Years War?

France lost Canada to Britain.

What happened as result of the Seven Year's War?

France lost Canada to Britain

Seven days in the week or seven days in a week?

Seven days in a week is more generally used than seven days in the week, except if in reference to a specific week such as 'the seven days in the week' when referring to a specific week, such as the week before Christmas.

What year did France give most of Louisiana to Spain?

Spain acceded to Louisiana in 1763 as a result of the Seven Years War. (The Seven Years War is called the French and Indian War in North America.)

Austrian territory lost to Italy during the Seven Week's War in 1866?

The answer is Venetia.

How did England's victory in the Seven Years War result in economic problems from them and the colonies?

Answer your own essay ¬_¬

The English decision to reorganize the British Empire after 1763 was the result of?

The end of the Seven Years War

As a result of the Seven Years War, how far west did British territory exist?

to the Mississippi River

Great Britain acquired Canada as the result of the?

Great Britain acquired Canada as the result of the Seven Years' War. After the War, France was forced to give up most of its North American land to Britain.

what is the most accurate result of the french Indian war?

There are many accurate result of the French Indian war. The most accurate is the years spent during the war being actually nine, however, it is called the seven years war. Also the name is preferred to be said as the Anglo-French Rivalry. The British won the war and a treaty with Paris was the result.