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Xenon was the first noble gas from which a compond was made. The first isolated compound was the hexafluoroplatinate salt Xe+ PtF6-

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Q: What was used to make the first compounds of an element in the group gases?
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What element is located in first row of group 1?

It is hydrogen. This element is the only one in its group because it is extremely unique and shares none of the properties of other gases.

Which group of atoms do not usually form compounds?

The noble gases.

Which group in the periodic table does not form compounds?

The group on the far right of the periodic table of elements will not bond to form compounds. These are the Noble Gases aka Inert Gases and are the elements of Group 18, which includes helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon, and element 118. I think that's all of them. I am not 100% confident that this list is entirely inclusive so there may be some other element(s) that do not form compounds. I am sure however that Noble Gases do not react due to the fact that their electron shells are full.

The elements that do not ordinarily form compounds are?

Noble gases do not normally form compounds.

What is the best element known of the inert gases?

the last group or the 18th group of the table the helium group known as noble gases are known as inert gases

What group is the element argon in?

The Noble(Inert) Gases.

Which group in the periodic table contains elements that do no react easily to form chemical compounds?

Group 18 elements, which are also known as noble gases, rarely form chemical compounds.

Which element most describes fluorine?

Chlorine resembles fluorine.Both of them are in same group.

Elements in group 18 are very unreactive they are said to be inert you call these the?

Group 18 (also known as group 0) element don't react much as they have a full outer shell of electrons. Some element in group 8 include: Helium, Neon, Argon and Krypton GROUP 18 IS ALSO KNOWN AS NOBLE GASES OR INERT GASES

Which element group is not magnetic?

For example noble gases.

What are some charcteristics of element in group 18?

They are the noble gases. They have 8 valence electrons, so that means that they are stable, and they rarely make bonds with any other elements or compounds.

Which element group has all non metals?

Noble Gases (group 18)