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Contrary to popular misconception most Confederates were not fighting for slavery. Many historians have used census data to show that most men in the Confederate army were not slave owners. If you think about it, would you go fight, and fight hard, for years, so some rich man could keep his slaves?

The Confederate soldiers were fighting for independence. They believed they had created a new nation, and, if they could fight off the Yankees, they could keep it. They fought because it was the biggest thing that had ever happened during their lives. Almost all of them were farm boys and almost all of them had never been anywhere farther from the family farm than a few trips a year to the county seat. It was an adventure, and in the early days they were in a hurry to get into it, before it was over and they had missed it. They fought to impress the girls, or to keep from being ashamed of being at home when the other men were off fighting. They almost all fought in companies raised in their home town or county, and so they fought as well and bravely as they could to keep from embarrassing themselves in front of their neighbors, and so they could go home after the war and not be ashamed, because if they acted in a cowardly way, everyone at home would learn of it from their neighbors in the ranks alongside them. After April 1862, they fought because the Confederacy instituted the first draft law in American history, and they had no choice. Some, who had read of the issues leading up to the war, might say they were fighting for the right to carry their slaves into the territories, but again, most of them had no slaves. Many were fighting to repel the Yankee invaders.

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It is a difficult question to answer. Certainly the quintessential idealogical differences between Pro-Abolishionists and Anti-Abolishinists played their part,

(oft calling to mind the titanic struggle between Cliff Barnes and JR Ewing in Dallas circa 1984). But the official U.S. stance would be:


2)Industrial differences

3)Political Differences

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