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Hieroglyphs is the name for the oldest form of Egyptian writing. Hieroglyphs are thought to originate in about 3200BC and they declined in use in about 400BC. Hieroglyphs were also mainly used for religious and very important writings such as texts about wars. Hieroglyphs were found as the top layer of writing on the Rosetta stone, along with Demotic writing and Ancient Greek. From the Ancient Greek, Jean Francois Champollion was able to translate Hieroglyphs.

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7y ago
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7y ago

A hieroglyph is a written character in any one of several ancient languages; it most often refers to characters in ancient Egyptian writing. Hieroglyphs are pictographic, they are little pictures, which make them very different from modern alphabets. Some Hieroglyphs can represent sounds, but they can also represent the animals or figures they depict, and they can sometimes represent ideas. Hieroglyphs are difficult to read and write, and were used almost exclusively for religious and mystical texts. There were other forms of writing in ancient Egypt that were used in business and for personal communication.

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13y ago

The Egyptians used their Papyrus rolls as writing paper. Like the people of Mesopotamia, the Egyptians developed their own system of writing. Originally, it was made up of thousands of picture symbols. Some symbols stood objects and ideas. To communicate the idea of a boat, for example, a scribe would draw a boat. Later, Egyptians created symbols that stood for sounds, just as the letters of our alphabet do. Combining both picture symbols and sounds symbols created a complex writing system that was later called hieroglyphics.

In ancient Egypt, few people could read and write. Some Egyptian men, however, went to special schools located at Egyptian temples t study reading and writing and learn to become scribes. Scribes kept records and worked for the rulers, priests, and traders. Scribes also painstakingly carved hieroglyphics onto stone walls and monuments. For everyday purposes, scribes invented a simpler script wrote or painted on papyrus.

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15y ago

Egyptian hieroglyphics were their system of writing in the ancient world. theyt were considered "the words of god"

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11y ago

it was thier way of writing by using symbols

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11y ago

the way of writing,language, and communication of Egyptians

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7y ago

They represented the sounds and concepts of the ancient Egyptian language.

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Hieroglyphs. Millions of characters made different words and sounds in ancient Egyptian, and hieroglyphs litter the walls of ancient Egyptian tombs, along with rich pictures.

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