

What were Michelangelo achievements?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Michelangelo's achievements are "The Pietá" a marble sculpture of Jesus dead on the lap of Mary his mother after the crucifixion, also the statue of David from the famous bible story. Michelangelo also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of Western art: the scenes of Genesis on the ceiling and the last judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel of Rome.

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He was describe as the greatest painter of all time;

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What were the three great achievements made during the renaissance period?

Sistine Chapel painting, Mona Lisa , David by Michelangelo, the Domo of Florence, Neoplatonic thinking and writing,

What are michaelangelos achievements?

Aside from being considered one of the greatest artists of all time, Michelangelo was a true "Renaissance Man". His painting of the Sistine Chapel and sculpture â??The Pietaâ?? are considered to be crowning achievements of the Renaissance period. His was accomplished in art, architecture as well as poetry.

Who created The Pieta and also painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

Michelangelo did.

What other names are used for Michelangelo?

His name was Michelangelo Buonarroti, but he is always called Michelangelo.

What was Michelangelo's wife named?

Michelangelo was not married.