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Jefferson wanted a strict interpretation to give more power to the states, while hamilton favored a broad interpretation to streengthen the central government. Also, Jefferson wanted to give the common people more opportunities to participate in government while hamilton believed commoners were ignorant and not capable of self-government

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Thomas Jefferson believed that the federal government was one with limited powers, specifically, only those enumerated in the Constitution and that state governments retained all other powers. The Tenth Amendment stated that all powers not delegated to the United States nor prohibited to the states are reserved to the states or the people. Hamilton believed the federal government had all powers necessary and proper to carry out the powers enumerated in the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 says Congress has power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying out execution of the enumerated powers. These seem to conflict with one another. Whenever questions concerning whether the Constitution gave the federal government or the state governments power over a particular issue, Jefferson felt the Constitution should be interpreted to give the state the power, whereas Hamilton felt it should be interpreted to give the federal government the power.

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Q: Hamilton's views on how the Constitution should be interpreted?
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